XVIIth conference of the French association Charles Gide

XVIIth conference of the Charles Gide association for the study of economic thought

Nancy, September 27-29 2018


Experience and experiments in economics

Expérience(s) et économie


Submission deadline : April 15th 2018


The XVIIth conference of the Charles Gide Association will be held at the University of Lorraine (School of law, economics and management) on september 27-29, 2018. The conference is organized by the Bureau of Theoretial and Applied Economics (BETA-CNRS)

The main theme of the conference is « experience and experiments in economics » (see the call for papers).

Abstracts on all the topics regarding the history of economic thought, methodology and economic philosophy will be also considered.


Keynote speakers

Harro Maas (University of Lausanne) and Antoine Picon (Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées and Harvard Graduate School of design)


Local Organizing committee

David Desmarchelier, assistant professor in economics, University of Lorraine and BETA-CNRS

Georges El-Haddad, Ph D. student in economics, University of Lorraine and BETA-CNRS

Sébastien Evrard, assistant professor in law, University of Lorraine and IFG

Samuel Ferey, professor in economics, University of Lorraine and BETA-CNRS

Jean-François Gicquel, assistant professor in law, University of Lorraine and IFG

Agnès Gramain, professor in economics, University of Lorraine and BETA-CNRS

Julien Grandjean, Ph D. student in economics, University of Lorraine and BETA-CNRS

Sophie Harnay, professor in economics, University of Lorraine and BETA-CNRS

Olivier Ouzilou, , assistant professor in philosophy, University of Lorraine and Archives Poincaré-CNRS

Yamina Tadjeddine, professor in economics, University of Lorraine and BETA-CNRS

Bérengère Szostak, professor in management, University of Lorraine and BETA-CNRS




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